Doctors, medication and a little more confidence

As ny previous post says, I went to the doctors on Monday. I was quite proud. Usually I’m too scared to mention anything about the medication, unless I think it’s not working. This time was different, I needed to tell her that I was becoming too tired on 30mg, and I did. There isn’t anything between 15mg and 30mg, but she prescribed me 15mg and told me to take 1 and a half instead. And in this week, I’ve actually felt the difference. I’m sleeping just as well most nights, and I’m able to wake up without feeling like crap. I still get tired as the day goes on, but who doesn’t? So, I think this is definitely a good thing.

Also mentioned in my previous post, I have been on a course all week. It’s customer service training, and employability added in as a bonus. We’ve learnt about positive customer service, but also about making good first impressions at an interview. Before this course, I’ve never been able to speak in front of a group, haunted my my old English teacher who, during a presentation I had to give at school, compared me to Stevie Wonder, made the class laugh at me and told me I’ve “failed horribly and sit back down”. I was always shy and so did my speaking thing with my eyes shut. It blocked out that people were there watching me, but he laughed, made fun of me by referring me as Stevie Wonder which also made the class laugh at me. Since then, I’ve refused to speak in front of people. So this week, we’ve been asked to show off our work a lot. Usually in pairs or groups, but I did it, and even spoke. Not saying that I would now quite happily volunteer, but it’s something I can now do! Also during the end of Thursday, we were each given a list of jobs to apply for. Within 1 hour of applying for a catering assistant job, I had a call to arrange an interview! So, hopefully, when I have this interview, it will be the last interview I need to have in a long time. I hope that I get this job. I will be sad to have to leave the place I volunteer for, but I do need a paid job. So, bring on my new found confidence and interview skills, and watch this space!

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